Which Is more important do you think, being smart Vs beautiful?

 Which Is more important do you think, brain Vs good look?

        We came across millions of people, But some people stay in our hearts and mind, why?

        Either has good looks or their intelligence marks them in our hearts and mind.

        Even babies' stare looks fair, beautiful peoples compare to less attractive.

        Beauty gets attraction and gets the first impression among many peoples.

        Even bosses, Teachers and the workplace have some preferences for those people.

        I read one article, It says good-looking people earn 5% more than less attractive guys.

         Also, just beauty is not enough to Excel in life. Beauty with Zero knowledge cannot succeed.

        With Intelligence, you can handle every situation and able to create opportunities to grow.

        If god suddenly arrives, and gives you an opportunity would you wish to be smart or beautiful?

        Answer related to where you are currently living and which kind of people are with you.

            " Beauty gets the first impression and attains goal through your personality "

        Conclusion blend of smart and beautiful leads you greater achievement. If you notice business

        people they will concentrate on new business ideas and Good looks to attract partners at the first 

        meeting. You need to be a versatile person like an actor, multi talent needed to attain your goals.

                                                      " Learn More To Succeed "

                                                     Thank You For Your Patience

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